Tumble into the intriguing world of salts and unravel the clash between Pink Himalayan Salt vs Table Salt. From their mineral content to environmental impact, discover the factors that set these salts apart. One cannot even imagine cooking and enjoying delicious food without salt. You might think during cooking that salt is just salt, right?  Who can even tell which type of salt you use in the dish?

There are multiple types of salts available on the market such as Himalayan salt, regular salt, sea salt, and kosher salt. There are just a few but there is a huge list. Unfortunately, many of us don’t know the difference between the salts, therefore we just pick any pack of high budget. Now study claims that pink Himalayan and table salt are enriched with minerals compared to other salts. In addition, there is healthy competition between pink Himalayan salt vs table salt.

Both salts share some characteristics that have a unique but positive effect on your health. In this blog, we are going to dive into the realm of salts, between pink Himalayan salt vs table salt, which one is superior and healthier. If you also want to enjoy mouthwatering food with great health benefits, it is necessary to know about the best salt.

What is regular salt?

Which salt is commonly stocked in your kitchen cabinet? It is regular salt. This regular salt is often termed table salt. This white crystalline salt has a rich mineral content. Table salt is composed mainly of sodium chloride (NaCl). It is a widely used pickling, seasoning, and preservative of food items. Cooking and food preparation is impossible without regular salt. What makes regular salt different from the rest of the salts?

The term “regular salt” is used to differentiate it from other types of salt, such as sea salt, kosher salt, and Himalayan salt.  The key difference among all types of salts is due to textures, flavors, or mineral contents. In addition, varying production methods and usage creates a different gap among salt families.

Is Himalayan salt better than regular salt?

Is Himalayan salt better than regular salt?

There is always a row of Himalayan salt vs. table salt. When it comes to the ongoing debate between Himalayan salt and regular salt, many factors make Himalayan salt better than regular salt. If you are on the market to pick a salt bag, be conscious about your pick. Here, we will examine some key aspects to consider which salt is better for regular use.

1. Mineral Content

Aren’t you attracted to the aesthetic pinkish hue of natural Himalayan salt? Undoubtedly, it attracts many but this is not only the reason for everyone’s choice. Himalayan salt has a distinctive pink color, which is attributed to its rich mineral content, particularly iron oxide. When it comes to Himalayan salt, it contains trace minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium. The minimal content of these essential minerals is beneficial for people suffering from blood pressure issues. It contains more than 80 trace elements; each has a unique impact on human health.

On the other hand, regular salt is typically more processed and contains additives like iodine. These additives are essential for thyroid health and boost the body’s metabolism.

3. Sodium Content

Sodium is an asset of any salt. One must say salt is synonymous with sodium. Both Himalayan salt and regular salt are mainly composed of sodium chloride, which is the key component responsible for the salty taste. When it comes to a sodium intake perspective, there is little difference between the two. Excessive sodium consumption is interlinked with numerous health issues, including high blood pressure and heart problems. Whatever type you are using, moderation is key.

4. Purity Claims

The purity of any salt is necessary to enjoy the health benefits. Himalayan salt is often known for being more “natural”. This salt is less processed than regular table salt. Due to less processing, it lacks some additives that make it positive side. However, claims of its superiority based on purity are largely overstated due to less processing. Both types of salt undergo mining and refining processes to some extent but regular salt undergoes more procedures. Some studies have found minute levels of impurities, including some concentrations of heavy metals, in samples of Himalayan salt.

On the other hand, regular salt, due to its processing, may have fewer impurities than natural pink Himalayan salt.

5. Environmental Impact and Sustainability

The other gap that widens the row is the Himalayan salt vs. table salt impact of the environment on the production source. Another main aspect to keep in view is the environmental impact of salt production. Himalayan salt is typically mined from ancient seabed’s and salt ranges, which can raise concerns about the depletion of resources. Moreover, it also disrupts local ecosystems.

On the other hand, regular salt is often harvested from salt pans or evaporation methods, which might be considered more sustainable.

Looking at the distinguishing features, Himalayan salt is considered significantly healthier or superior to regular salt. Both types of salt are primarily composed of sodium chloride. Less or too excessive consumption of this salt can have a deleterious impact on your health. There you should consume it in moderation to maintain a healthy diet.

Where does table salt come from?

The origin of salt decides the mineral content of salt. Regular table salt primarily comes from two main sources. Firstly, the most prominent, salt mines and other is saltwater evaporation ponds. In Pakistan, there are hundreds of salt mines that expel tons of salt annually.

Table salt extraction

Salt mines came into existence when ancient seas evaporated and left behind salt deposits. Widespread deposits were subsequently covered by layers of sediment. These deposits are extracted through mining, crushing, and multiple purification processes. Contrary, saltwater evaporation ponds are man-made reservoirs where seawater is allowed to evaporate leaves behind salt crystals that are collected and further refined. After collection, salt is often processed to remove impurities and improve its quality to fulfill international health standards. The extraction and cleaning procedure involves washing, dissolving, and recrystallizing the salt to create the familiar uniform white crystals that are used in delicious meals.

Additionally, some table salts are processed to be enriched with iodine, which is an essential nutrient that helps prevent iodine deficiency disorders such as goiter.

Above all, while processing some additives are used to prevent salt from clumping.

Regular Table Salt Benefits

Does, the only role of salt is to make your fries saltier and lemonade more mouthwatering? Does regular table salt also offer some benefits like Himalayan salt?  If it’s so, let’s delve into the realm of regular table salt benefits.

1. Electrolyte Balance

During athletic activity, loss of electrolytes is common. Depletion of essential electrolytes causes severe effects on the body. Salt, or sodium chloride, instantly helps to maintain a proper balance of electrolytes in your body.  These electrolytes are crucial for better functioning of muscle contractions, nerve impulses, and fluid balance.

2. Hydration

Drink, drink, excessive drink! Water intake is always recommended by health specialists to keep the body hydrated. From the list of regular salt benefits, key is the hydration. This white Salt assists in maintaining adequate hydration by retaining water in the body cells. Moreover, due to its retention property, table salt prevents excessive fluid loss. If you are a sports person, it can be especially important for you during physical activities and in sunny summer.

3. Nervous System

The unique benefit of regular table salt is to improve the cognitive ability of an individual. Sodium ions from salt are essential for transmitting quick nerve signals throughout the body. Ions play a critical role in supporting communication between nerve cells and maintaining the body system fully functional.

4. Digestion

No one can enjoy a healthy body and mind with poor digestion. Salt helps to activate digestive enzymes in the stomach that aid in the breakdown of food. Moreover, it also maximizes the perception of taste, making food more palatable and stimulating the appetite.

5. Transportation of nutrients

Regular table salt is enriched with Sodium that helps to transport various nutrients, such as glucose, amino acids, and certain vitamins, into your body cells. Undoubtedly, it is essential for overall cellular function and energy production throughout the body.

6. Blood Pressure Regulation

If you are your adults are suffering from blood pressure issues, adequate salt intake is necessary for maintaining blood pressure within a healthy range. However, too much consumption can contribute to high blood pressure in some individuals which could be life-threatening.

7. Muscle cramps

During the night, have you ever felt, your muscle is hard as a rock and going to burst? It is due to an imbalance in ions. Sodium ions play a significant role in muscle contractions and relaxation. Proper salt intake supports muscle function and prevents cramping.

8. pH Balance

It is highly important to maintain the body fluid pH for better functioning. Moderate use of table salt can help regulate the body’s pH balance. It ensures that it remains within the appropriate range for performing various bodily functions.

9. Adrenal Gland Function

The other important benefit of this salt is to regulate hormonal production. Moderate Salt consumption can influence the functioning of the adrenal glands. This gland is involved in producing hormones that help regulate stress responses and metabolism.

10. Thyroid Glands Function

What makes the difference between Himalayan salt vs. table salt is the processing. Regular table salt is particularly iodized salt, which is proven important for the thyroid glands because it provides the key mineral iodine. Appropriate amount of iodine is crucial for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland uses iodine to synthesize thyroid hormones, such as thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are necessary for regulating metabolism, energy production, and overall body functions.

Does table salt have minerals?

When it comes to salts, mineral content sticks to them. Like nature, Himalayan salt table salt also has huge minerals. It contains calcium, potassium, fluoride, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium. Above all, it contains sodium, which is considered fuel for the body’s functions. During processing, iodine is added to it.  However, salt doesn’t have vitamins.

Table salt in bath water

Table salt in bath water

Using salt bath water is common due to its dead cell sloughing off properties. Moreover, it helps to remove toxins from the body and revitalize the skin. To enjoy the skin benefits, table salt in bath water is added. Table salt has been stripped and then iodized to double its mineral content.  Besides, it contains minerals, like potassium, calcium magnesium, copper, zinc, and other trace minerals that your body needs.

Adding table salt to bathwater is a common practice which is termed as “salt bathing” or “salt therapy.” It is claimed that it has potential benefits like soothing sore muscles, promoting relaxation, and improving skin conditions. Thus, add salt to water and give a unique flavor to your body.

Does Himalayan salt have less sodium than regular salt?

Does Himalayan salt have less sodium than regular salt?

When it comes to Himalayan salt vs. table salt or regular salt, sodium content draws the lines between both.  Himalayan salt is often considered a healthier alternative to table salt because it contains trace minerals and is less processed.

When it comes to sodium content, both pink Himalayan salt and table salt are primarily composed of sodium chloride. Pink Himalayan salt has significantly less sodium than table salt. Therefore, it is important to moderate your intake of either type of salt to maintain a healthy sodium balance in your diet.


The content of Pink Himalayan salt vs table salt is always tough. Both salts are king in their respective domains. However, some differences exist between both that make one superior. Himalayan salt has more trace elements than table salt. The difference comes due to the sodium content that makes table salt unique. Due natural color and less processing make Himalayan salt healthier on one side but impurities make it richer in the context of health.

Table salt is gathered from the mines, which allows it to undergo more processing. During processing, additives like iodine are added to promote the good health. Moreover, table salt’s regular but moderate use helps to maintain the body’s metabolism by regulating hormonal production. Both Himalayan salt and table salt are enriched with respective minerals that benefit health. Whatever salt you are using in the kitchen, keep one thing in mind, Moderation is a Key!


What are the main differences between Himalayan salt and regular Salt?

Himalayan salt has more than 84 trace minerals including sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron. On the other hand, regular salt has only sodium.

Is Himalayan salt better for you than table salt?

Yes, Himalayan salt is better than table salt in nutrients, taste, and color.

What is the healthiest salt to use?

Pink Himalayan salt is the healthiest salt to use because of its enriched minerals profile, unprocessed and additives-free nature.

Can I use table salt instead of pink Himalayan salt?

Yes, you can use table salt instead of pink salt if you don’t have blood pressure or diabetes issues.

What is regular salt made of?

Regular salt is made of sodium chloride that either is present in granular, crystalline, or powder fort.

Where does table salt come from?

Mainly, table salt comes from mines or underwater deposits. After extraction, salt is processed and iodized thoroughly to make it edible.

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